Tips To Transition Hair From Winter To Spring by Sanity Stylist Jamie Nguyen
Tips To Transition Hair From Winter To Spring Winter offers a set of challenges when it comes to caring for your hair. It is important to know how you can ttansition and prpare your hair for spring after being exposed to cold weather for a long time. Start with a hair repair shampoo to add into your spring hair care routine. THis is not only effective any damage left behind by winter’s harsh weather conditions to your hair, but also serves as protection to your hair from future damage. Another vital product to use on hair for spring is a leave-in conditioner. If your have colored-hair opt for a conditioner that comes with a color protect formula. This formula provides a layer of protection on your hair to keep color from turning brassy when exposed to sun or heat. A frizz control product is gong to savior for those hot spring days. Keeping your frizz in check by using an anto-frizz spray on your hair. A sun protection hair product will also serve as your line of defense from...