How to Deal With Itchy and Flaky Scalp by Sanity Stylist Jamie Nguyen

How To Deal With Itchy and Flaky Scalp


Taking care of your scalp is just as important as managing your hair. 


What Cause Itchy and Flaky Scalp?

An itchy and flaky scalp can be an aggravating reoccurrence. If you’re not providing sufficient care to your scalp, it can lead to unbearable discomfort, resulting in more severe issues.


1.        Dandruff

Dandruff is the dead skin cells on the scalp coming off as white flaks that can appear on the hair’s surface. It may be nothing serious, considering that the body natural sheds dead skin and affects 50% of the adult population worldwide. Dandruff can be a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis. 

2.        Skin disorders

Allergic reaction is another cause of an itchy and flaky scalp. The products that you use on your hair can trigger these irritations. Hair and scalp products containing harsh and harmful chemicals can also lead to an inflamed scalp. 

3.        Skin Disorders 

The scalp is part of the skin. Other medical conditions can also cause or worsen itchy and flaky scalp. 

4.        Stress and Anxiety

Stress can cause many issues to the human body, and the scalp is no exception. Your hormone levels can fluctuate immensely, triggering or worsening conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and other skin-related illness. 


How to Manage Itchy and Flaky Scalp


You want to watch what you eat. It’s essential to keep your diet in check for better hair and scalp health. 

You want to stay hydrated which benefits the hair and scalp. Remember to drink a lot of fluids.

Decrease your stress levels can improve your scalp healthy. Remember that when you are stressed out, the body releases more hormones that can make your scalp oiler and draw out the moisture in your head. 


It’s the locks that people see at first glance, so it makes it easy to forget about the scalp and how it needs the same amount of TLC as the hair. It not taken car3e of well, it could lead to several issues that not only can affect your looks but also you


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