Sunday Sanity by Jennifer Boutwell

Sunday Sanity:
Some days you wake up and you just KNOW that you will face challenges. You can either chose to let those challenges rule you and your day with negativity or you can chose to rule the challenges with grace, love, forgiveness and positivity.
When I have a day like this I set myself up with a positive mindset.
1- I journal about the different scenarios. The what if’s. I get it all out on paper then I let it go.
2- I will do a high impact workout routine to let the negativity out and create my own positive energy.
3- I set my INTENTIONS for the day and stick to my plan.
We can not control others however we can control how we respond to others. Choosing grace and forgiveness is not always easy however when you take the personal emotion out of a situation choosing grace and forgiveness is the ONLY CHOICE!
Hope you have a great Sunday full of love, grace, forgiveness and positivity.  #emotionalintelligence #grace #sanitypositivity #salonsanity#happinessbc
