Waxing or Tweezing by Cheryl Farman

"Eyebrow waxing or tweezing"

Eyebrows are one of the most important features that you can control on your face. With that being said, proper upkeep is essential. Many people ask me how I maintain my brows and which method I prefer: waxing or tweezing. Both of these are great options and some techniques work better for some and not others. To simplify your life, I’ve put together the following quickie guide to help you decipher which means of brow grooming is best for you…

If you have sensitive skin, tweezing is a great option for those of you with delicate skin (or even Rosacea). While waxing tugs at the skin, tweezing barely has any contact with your skin so it doesn’t lead to irritation. Additionally, tweezing doesn’t remove the top layer of skin like waxing does so your makeup will stick to your skin properly and it won’t lead to irritation if you’re using a topical prescription cream either.

If you have coarse hair…
Wax! If you have thicker hair that grows back quickly, waxing is definitely the best option for you. Not only do most people see thinner, softer regrowth, they can also go longer in between waxes since the results are fairly long lasting. There are a few drawbacks though: 1. It can be expensive, 2. It can irritate skin (but the irritation typically goes away after a few hours), 3. It can remove tiny (virtually invisible) hairs on your face that help makeup stay in place.

At the end of the day, the best recommendation I can make to you is to experiment with both methods. Everyone’s body reacts differently to things so it’s important to see what works best for you. You may have coarse hair and find that you love the results tweezing yields. Or you may prefer waxing… Personally, I would love to wax my brows, but when I do I tend to breakout since I.


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